Gordon Harris Photographic is a dedicated photographic business.

We are the specialists in Graduation photography in South Africa. We are geared up to photograph large or small graduations and functions. We provide a qualified team or multiple teams of photographers and support staff anywhere in South Africa or our neighbouring countries to photograph the event. For your peace of mind and convenience we have a digitised archival system that allows us to store all the images for a lifetime.


Our mission is to maintain our position as the finest photographic business in South Africa. To do this we continue to run our business to the highest norms and standards in our industry. We endeavour to invest in the future of our esteemed staff. We have an educational program in place that is designed to give aspirant photographers the skills and discipline needed to take exceptional photographs. We hope to empower them in such a way that should they decide to expand their horizons, they will be able to successfully establish and run their own photographic businesses. We view the future positively and strive to set goals which are attainable and whose outcomes are valued by our staff. We strive to have a loyal and happy workforce.


At Gordon Harris Photographic we strive to maintain our position as the industry leader in commercial photography in South Africa. We do this by continually setting the highest photographic standards and excellence in both outstanding products and celebrated services to our customers at home and abroad. We believe in people whether they are our customers or employees and we endeavour to treat each person equally, fairly and with integrity.  We believe that loyal staff and satisfied customers are one of the hallmarks of the success of our business.